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Friends of the Order

Friends of the Order are those people who are called to accompany the sisters and brothers of this Order with prayer, financial support, advocacy, and through participation at events and gatherings of the Order.

-from the General Rule of the Order of Lutheran Franciscans

The Mission of the Friends of the Order

Friends of the Order (often called Oblates and Associates in other religious communities), commit through their varied lifestyles to live the Gospel in the spirit of Brother Francis and Sister Clare of Assisi in companionship with the siblings of the Order of Lutheran Franciscans. Together they share in the values and priorities of the Order of Lutheran Franciscans, and in so doing they become co-conspirators in accompanying the poor, caring for creation, being renewed spiritually, and cultivating ecumenical and inter-faith relationships that honor God’s emerging reign of peace and justice for all.


Who are Friends of the Order?

Friends of the Order are people of varying backgrounds - female and male, LGBTQIA+, lay and ordained, young and old, married and single - who proclaim their call from God to live the spirit, charism and mission of the Order of Lutheran Franciscans (OLF). They commit to a formally recognized mutual relationship with the OLF and live the commitment within their own particular lifestyles. Theirs is one of support and accompaniment of the siblings of the OLF.


How do I become a Friend of the Order?

Friends of the Order commit to a covenant, where Friends proclaim “Yes!” to an ongoing growth in Franciscan spirituality in relationship with the Order of Lutheran Franciscans. The covenant states: 

“I desire to be a Friend of the Order of Lutheran Franciscans. I promise to be a peacemaker in the world, following the simple way of Francis and Clare of Assisi. I commit to deepening my spirituality through my personal Rule of Life, praying, and supporting the mission of the Order of Lutheran Franciscans." 


This covenant is required to be renewed each year to remain as a Friend of the Order. If you feel the Holy Spirit is calling you to commit to this covenant for the next year, please click the button below or scan the QR code to the right to fill out a brief form as a way to "apply" to be a Friend of the Order of Lutheran Franciscans.

Brother Ron.HEIC

Coordinator of the Friends of the Order: Br. Ron

Application for the Friends of the Order of Lutheran Franciscans
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